Monday, May 11, 2009

Who would I report CVS selling expired over the counter medicine to??

I bought CVS brand pain med from them, got home and realized the meds expired this month 2/2008...when i went back to exchange it, I found 2 other expired boxes they expired 4/2007. I took the boxes to the cashier so they would not be sold.. hopefully they don't put it back on the shelf!

Who would I report CVS selling expired over the counter medicine to??
did you bring it to the managers attention? That might be the first step ya know rather than go all postal and close the place down. You want it to be Joe shmo vs CVS or what. Glad you are doing a good service but it's not THAT big of an issue. Check all dates before purchasing anything.
Reply:I'm sure you could call to make a complaint.. but I'm sure it was an error. I work for CVS and used to work for Walgreens. It happens. We try to diligilently check the shelves for expirations, but sometimes we missed some.

At Walgreens we pulled medications 3 months out (if it expired in April 08 we pulled Jan 08) at CVS we pull a month before. I would talk to the store manager in the store you went to. Let them know the issue. They are relying on their store employees to do their job, but sometimes kids making 6 dollars an hour don't care. The Manager needs to be aware.
Reply:Call the food and drug administration (FDA) And let them know ;)
Reply:The place to start is with the store manager, who knows he/she is responsible for selling only current meds. A cashier really might not be aware, and certainly is not responsible for that. You need to bring those bottles to the attention of the store manager, and let him/her fix the problem. I doubt it is a problem of on-going neglect. Rather it was probably just a one time goof on an inventory clerks part. You don't need to report CVS unless it continues to happen. Believe me, if the store manager knew it happened once, he/she would make ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE it never happened again. To make an analogy: if you saw your neighbor's kid steal something, would you go tell the parent, or call the police over the small petty theft and social services over the fact that the parents didn't prevent that in the first place. It's only fair and reasonable to give the person at CVS with authority to make changes the chance to make the appropriate changes before you get state regulatory agencies breathing down his/her back....You'd want the same consideration, wouldn't you.
Reply:State Board of Pharmacy if it is a separate entity. Board of Medicine if it is not. Might write to CVS main office and let them know what one of their stores is doing.

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